To provide the best quality service with an affordable price.




Law firms, legal departments of major corporations, and state and federal governments are employing paralegals by the thousands to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The use of paralegals allows them to remain competitive and serve more clients and has created an unprecedented growth of trained paralegals on a nationwide level.

Paralegals have become an indispensable asset to the legal community with numbers approaching 100,000 nationwide. The end is nowhere in sight. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the paralegal job market will double in size in the next decade.

They charge fees the public can afford. In fact, legal document preparation performed by the trained paralegals is becoming a viable money saving choice for many Americans who have been shut out of the legal system because of high attorney fees that can range from $100.00 to $300.00 an hour.

Paralegals generally work side-by-side with attorneys, judges, prosecutors, or public defenders. They assist with research, preparation and analysis of documents, client and witness interview and investigation.